The CCRB conducts monthly open board meetings on the fourth Monday of each month, beginning at 8:00 a.m. in St. Charles County. Meeting locations and dates are listed on the Board Meeting Schedule. When a Board meeting falls on a holiday, the Board will schedule it on a date convenient for the Board.

View the 2025 Board Meeting Schedule

All board meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law. Minutes and public records from the meetings are available on this website or for review at the CCRB office. All who may be interested are invited and encouraged to attend the Board meetings. For information requests,  please call the CCRB office at (636) 939-6200 or email

Public Comment Procedure

The Public Comment period is offered by the Board as a courtesy to the public for comments pertaining to items on the current agenda.

Public Comment is limited to 15 minutes total; however the Board may choose to extend beyond 15 minutes to a specified amount of time. This is not for interrogation or dialogue with the CCRB. Questions may be responded to in writing, to allow for adequate research. Persons wishing to comment on any issue not listed on an upcoming meeting agenda should submit their comment in writing to the CCRB office.

Each speaker who wishes to make a public comment must complete and submit a Public Comment Card & Request to Record to the CCRB Administrative Assistant or staff member. Comment must pertain to a current agenda item. Violation of these rules may result in the forfeiture of speaking time.

  1. Members of the public may not speak unless they are recognized by the Board Chair. Interrupting other speakers will not be tolerated.
  2. All comments should be addressed to the CCRB Board of Directors.
  3. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each, alternating “pro” versus “con” opinions.
  4. Speakers will state their name and residency for public record.
  5. Speakers will behave in a respectful manner and use appropriate volume. Personal attacks on any person are considered a violation of standards.
  6. If the speaker has written materials, please bring 10 copies; one for each Board member and a copy for the CCRB records.
  7. Speakers are not to bring signs or to interfere with the business of the Board meeting location.